
Stefan kaiser occupational med
Stefan kaiser occupational med

stefan kaiser occupational med

to understand the structure and value of policy briefs in evidence-informed policy-making, and.to learn the basics of argumentation theory,.In addition to active participation in the dialogue, it is expected that students engage in a post-dialogue discussion about the achieved goals. An introduction to the evidence-informed policy framework and argumentation theory will provide the theoretical foundation. Students will take different roles and prepare the dialogue accordingly. As part of this course, students will simulate a stakeholder dialogue to better understand the underlying mechanisms and challenges in bridging research, policy and practice. For this process to be successful there is need for a structured dialogue between different stakeholders (e.g., representatives of the government, public health administration, health care providers, insurers and patients) to identify and understand the critical issues and collaboratively identify the best and most feasible response for implementation. Implications and impact of GBD on policy-making and resourceĪ learning health system relies on cyclical dynamics to identify issues in the health system, systematise relevant evidence, present alternative courses of action, collaboratively agree on the best action, and implement and monitor the change.considerations for analyses and interpretation.Strengths and limitations of GBD data and approach.Where to access dataset descriptions, tools and resources.Accessing and using GBD data visualization tools.Accessing and using GBD datasets and reports.Metrics and indicators reported and used by GBD.

stefan kaiser occupational med

GBD now provides the largest, most comprehensive estimates of risk factors, health, morbidity and mortality levels and trends globally.In this course, students will be introduced to the methods and tools used in and developed by the GBD project, to prepare them to understand and interpret the research outputs of the project, and to utilize the datasets and tools available from this project to inform their own research. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) (project developed a framework and methodology for merging and assimilating, validating, analyzing and reporting health-related information on the burden of disease across countries and settings, to inform public health decision-making. Governments, policy-makers, public health institutions and funders require information on the causes of disease and death in the population to target available resources towards effective, high-impact public health interventions and approaches to improve survival and prevent illness.

  • Gesundheitsrisikoabschätzung (Impact Assessment): Methoden zur Quantifizierung gesundheitlicher Auswirkungen von Umweltschadstoffen auf individueller und gesellschaftlicher Ebene.
  • nationale und internationale Datenquellen im Bereich Umwelt und Gesundheit.
  • Methoden zur Einschätzung von Umweltexpositionen in der Bevölkerung.
  • Gesundheit und Lärm, Luftschadstoffe, Radon, ionisierende und nicht-ionisierende Strahlung.
  • stefan kaiser occupational med

    diskutieren und erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich als Public-Health-Experte hinsichtlich der Prävention oder Begrenzung von gesundheitlichen Umweltschäden einbringen können.führen Sie eine Gesundheitsrisikoabschätzung zu einem bestimmten Umweltthema durch.interpretieren Sie die umweltepidemiologische Forschung und bewerten diese hinsichtlich ihrer gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen aus individueller und aus Public-Health-Sicht.In diesem Kurs analysieren Sie komplexe Problemstellungen aus dem Themenbereich Umwelt und Gesundheit aus der Public-Health-Perspektive und setzen sich mit den besonderen Schwierigkeiten bei der entsprechenden Forschung auseinander.

    Stefan kaiser occupational med