You must attack a peasant in Spree, and continue to kill them until they stop attacking and start begging (their target becomes green again). 1% - You are a Harasser of Humans and the people of Spree don't like you anymore.5% - You have killed 10 females, Wenchbane!.Kill any innocent peasant in Spree (lock on peasant and attack). An unfortunate accident or the start of an Evil rampage? 3% - You have killed a friendly peasant.Below is a list of all deeds that increase Corruption together with the percentage of Corruption the deed adds to the total Corruption level, some also feature a small description on when/how the deed can be performed. Every deed adds a small percentage to the Corruption level. The theme of the Dark Tower changes as well the more corruption the Overlord has, the more spikes form on the tower.Ĭorruption can be increased by performing evil deeds around the world. In Overlord 2, the Overlad has no spikes regardless of alignment, proving that the Tower Heart was what caused the spikes to appear and generated the red haze. It appears that the Tower Heart caused this 'corruption' to manifest in the Overlord, collecting evil energy and imbuing it into the Overlord, dramatically increasing his power but making him more evil at the same time. From 80-100%, the sky will be completely covered with dark violet clouds, darkening the tower even more, with the sun being a small white dot in the sky. From 60-80%, the red sky starts to turn violet and the sun will be nearly blocked. From 40-60%, the sky will start turning red with some normal clouds. From 20-40%, a dark violet Evil Cloud cover begins to partially surround the tower, while some parts are still blue. From 0-20%, the tower throne room view will be a normal blue sky. The Dark Tower changes based on your corruption level. In addition, the Overlord's armour will be significantly darker and the spikes extremely large. At 100% Corruption, the Overlord has become pure, unfiltered Evil and distortions similar to extreme heat will appear around him, replacing the dark haze from 50% Corruption. At 50% Corruption, a dark haze will begin to form around the Overlord, making him appear much darker and his spikes will have grown significantly larger. Starting at 10% Corruption, the Overlord begins to become slightly darker and spikes will start growing out of his shoulders, arms, and legs.

As the Overlord's Corruption level increases, his appearance changes significantly. Corruption is a mechanic in Overlord that represents the player's level of Evilness.Ĭertain choices that are especially Evil will increase the player's level of Corruption.